Immediate Care Centers

The care you deserve when you need it

When you choose South Bend Clin­ic for imme­di­ate care, you will receive all the care you require, as well as physi­cians who lis­ten. If your doc­tor’s office is closed and you need imme­di­ate care for a con­di­tion that is less urgent but still requires atten­tion, you should vis­it one of our care cen­ters. Adults and chil­dren with minor injuries and ill­ness­es receive the appro­pri­ate care from our team. You will be con­nect­ed with a spe­cial­ist and oth­er care ser­vices if you require more advanced treatment.

*If you are expe­ri­enc­ing a life-threat­en­ing emer­gency, please go direct­ly to the ER or call 9−1−1.